Quadriennale Betesda - Polonia

2° Concorso Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea Quadriennale Betesda.

Fondazione Betesda organizza la  Quadriennale Betesda, 2^ Esposizione di arte contemporanea internazionale,  dal 3 ottobre al 7 novembre 2021.

La manifestazione è dislocata entro 3 diversi siti espositivi (Sotterraneo Camaldolese; Museo di Giovanni Paolo II e Vescovo Wyszyński; Filiale del Museo).

Le opere selezionate del pittore Michele ROSA sono in mostra nel Sotterraneo Camaldolese presso il Centro Culturale Cattolico “Dobre Miejsce” ul. Dewajtis 3, 01-815 Varsavia – Foresta di Bielański.



La Quadriennale Betesda è un evento artistico ciclico organizzato ogni quattro anni, che riunisce creatori e artisti internazionali di fedi e punti di vista diversi, per riflettere su un tema occasionalmente assegnato.




The Holy Spirit has manifested His strength in the works of creation: “… with his Spirit he adorned the heavens …”, (Job 26:13). He tightens “the bonds of the Pleiades”, unties “the chains of Orion” and he guides “the great Bear with her ; cielo  the universe with His special work: “And the earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the face of the abyss, and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the waters” (Genesis 1: 2 ). Thus the Spirit of God spread his immense wings to draw a world out of this chaos and brought order where there was nothing but confusion. This is the moment in which the author wants to translate all the power of Creation into color and emotional strength on the artworks presented. The spirit that has adorned the heavens from His hands, as a prelude to the creation of every man, gives the sense of the forgiveness acquired by the blood of Jesus that can soften hearts of stone. It has power over the human heart and this is a glorious proof of omnipotence. Just as His power has transformed the shapeless and empty earth, the hope is to now let the change be made by the Spirit to renew and transform our hearts. The power of the Spirit of God “If he delays wait for it; for he will certainly come; he will not delay” (Habakkuk 2: 3) on the Earth He Himself formed and sometimes irremediably transformed by men.

Michele Rosa